Variable |
Total (n) |
Age (years) |
26-35 |
Gender |
Female |
8 |
Male |
0 |
Household |
Living alone without children |
1 |
Living alone with children |
1 |
Cohabitating without children |
1 |
Cohabitating with children |
4 |
Living with parents |
1 |
Years of experience as RN (years) |
4-10 |
Have a non -ICU specialist education in nursing |
1 |
Have experience as enrolled nurse |
4 |
Nurse trainee |
7 |
Have worked in parallel with the studies |
5 |
Number of supervisors |
2-6 (many) |
Have taken care of at least one patient with COVID-19 |
3 |
Int J Med Educ. 2022; 13:335-344; doi: 10.5116/ijme.6399.ea3f