Table 2. Factor loadings for promax rotated two-factor solutions for 20 JeffSATIC-J items
Items Working relationship Accountability
n= 2426
18 All health professionals have their own special expertise to render quality care to their patients/clients. .730* -.063
11 All health professionals should contribute to decisions regarding improving care of their patients/clients. .723* .107
13 Health professionals should be made aware that their colleagues in other health-related disciplines can contribute to the quality of care. .716* .063
7 Collaborative practice always works best when health professionals develop working relationships to achieve agreed upon goals. .683* -.217
14 Health professionals should be involved in making policy decisions concerning their work. .676* .097
6 All health professionals can contribute to decisions regarding the well-being of patients/clients. .655* -.032
10 Interprofessional collaboration which includes mutual respect and communication improves the work environment. .623* .237
2 All health professionals should have responsibility for monitoring the effects of interventions on their patients/clients. .618* -.149
20 During their education, all health profession students should experience working in teams with other health profession students in order to understand their respective roles. .590* .086
17 Medical errors will be minimized when collaboration exists among health professionals. .561* -.134
1 Health professionals should be viewed as collaborators rather than superiors or subordinates. .538* -.023
4 Academic institutions should develop interdisciplinary educational programs to enhance collaborative practice. .537* -.007
5 Health professionals should not question decisions made by colleagues even if they feel that it might have detrimental effects on the patient/client. -.013 .789*
9 The primary function of other health professionals is to follow, without question, orders by the physician who are treating the patients/clients. .022 .784*
16 To promote the best interest of the patient/client, health professionals should use their own judgment rather than consulting their colleagues in other health-related disciplines. .028 .730*
8 Interdisciplinary education and interprofessional collaboration are not linked to one another. .005 .722*
15 Because of role differentiation, there are not many overlapping areas of responsibility among health professionals in providing care to their patients/clients. -.077 .716*
12 Job satisfaction has nothing to do with interprofessional collaborative practices. .094 .651*
3 Teamwork in healthcare cannot be an outcome of interdisciplinary education. -.167 .638*
19 Health professionals working together cannot be equally accountable for the care/ service they provide. -.117 .482*
Eigenvalue 6.50 2.40
% Variance 32.5% 12.0%

Items are listed by the order of magnitude of the factor coefficients within each factor. *Factor coefficients greater than .40. Jefferson is the sole copyright holder of the JeffSATIC. Permission to use the instrument and its translated versions must be requested from Jefferson, or the creator of the instrument:

Int J Med Educ. 2022; 13:274-286; doi: 10.5116/ijme.633f.e97a