1. Adaptability
· Comfort with e-learning
MED 2: “I think it will make me more willing to participate in Zoom conferences in the future because I know how useful they can be and how well they can be delivered.”
MED 11: “Will become more used to working on a technological front.”
MED 67: “Zoom, I think, will inevitably be a much larger part of our jobs well into the future, not just while the pandemic is still rampant. As such, it is a good skill to learn how to interact with your peers and other professions via this method.”
· Comfort with e-learning
MW 24: “I think after studying online most of us are becoming used to learning this way”
· Responding to dynamic circumstances
MED 12: “I thought given we couldn’t be there in person, nor practice our potential future role in the scenario, the Zoom session was an excellent alternative.”
MED 28: “I guess doing a clinical skills workshop online last year would’ve been thought to be impossible and yet it’s worked…” MED 7: “Not as good as in person but made the best of a difficult situation!”
MED 84: “While there's something lost in being unable to experience a run-through physically… one benefit of being on Zoom. is that we can see a smooth proceeding from one emergency to another, with the focus on each situation well-highlighted”
· Responding to dynamic circumstances
MW 15: “It helps to be more flexible and innovative in your approach” MW 11: “Of course it is probably more beneficial over all to have in-person interactions but the Zoom conferencing did allow a very accessible experience” MW 4: “I would have preferred to have an in-person session however, despite the difficulties, the teaching team did get through adequate information”
MW 7: “I think the session was good given the circumstances…”
MW 22: “While face-to-face learning where people get to actively participate will always be the best option, when that is not available, this is not a bad second choice in my opinion.”
MW 25: “importance of teamwork and communication in emergency situations still as effective over zoom!”
MW 26: “I don’t think it [Zoom format] really affected as much-was nice to be able to do it from the comfort of my own home.”
MW 43: “I still believe that in person interprofessional workshops… are more beneficial in terms of … practical skills. However, given the current climate, zoom video conferencing is a great substitute. Zoom calls are also easier to attend and therefore increases students ability to join the workshops.”
· Future applications of e-learning
MED 2: “…I think it will especially help me engage with rural and remote patients and be very willing to do this.”
MED 30: “Even when there is no pandemic, most of us does not get equal clinical exposure…having these clinical teaching sessions via Zoom…helps the students who potentially would have missed out.” MED 31: “…this is something that will continue post COVID, especially with the funding the government has put into telehealth…”
MED 46: “It was convenient and the perspective from watching through a video was good, and probably better than with multiple other students.”
MED 47: “I think it would be really good in the future to have the video provided prior to an in person session so that students can gain some knowledge in order to participate fully in the in person session”
Future applications of e-learning
MW 19: “I actually liked the online format…I think I would be more likely to go when it’s online”
MW 19: “I think interprofessional workshops are super valuable and zoom is a good way to make them convenient”
MW 34: “I think that this was beneficial to me personally as we have done a lot of simulation of these situations in our units last semester and so this was a good opportunity to consolidate our knowledge in a different way, through reflection.”
2. Connectivism
· Facilitators as nodes in the learning network
MED 2: “I think having several ‘experts’ on a Zoom talking from different perspectives …is really valuable”
MED 30: “…it is important to have a live session with a midwife or a doctor to debrief the video and go through questions.” MED 15: “…we could clarify our questions during the debrief with Dr *** very easily…”
· Facilitators as nodes in the learning network MW 4: “Through interacting with different professions and educators, I feel that it was an eye-opening experience.” MW 15: “It was great learning from experienced practitioners…”
MW 42: “…the communication and teamwork discussion…was great from the lecturers”
· Diversity of opinions MED 34: “I found it eye-opening to have a workshop alongside the midwifery students. They have a lot of input and suggestions when it came to the content. I got to ‘see’ what are the thoughts in their minds during an emergency situation.”
MED 11: “I enjoy working with other professions such as midwifery students as it gives a more holistic view and can hear their opinions”
MED 15: “…doing the debrief on Zoom is possibly more systematic than a live setting as we are all applying ourselves in one call and able to ask questions…” MED 19: “The experience from various professions allows a broad approach to learning and should be encouraged.” MED 18: “I think the set up of the Zoom, with break out groups was very good, it allowed us to debrief what we had encountered…” MED 29: “It was useful to hear insights from midwives/midwifery students during group discussions.”
MED 13: “Fantastic to learn about what midwives do. We should do it with more professionals.”
MED 47: “It was really good to hear from midwifery students as they can provide different expertise from what we can”
MED 96: “I think it is beneficial to have students from different professions as we all have different strengths and weaknesses.”
MED 95: “as a medical student I really look forward to interdisciplinary tutorials/workshops because I really like getting to know students form other disciplines!! We're curious about what their role is in the clinical setting, what their training is like, where they're placed…”
· Diversity of opinions MW 1: “The students can ask questions more confidently and get answers by sharing their knowledge.” MW 5: “…after attending this Zoom, I have learnt a lot about what medical students think during an emergency and what their scope of practice is.” MW 18: “I love the opportunity to learn and get a small glimpse at the medical students learning/thoughts/experiences.” MW 11: “…I did find it very interesting to hear how med students’ views on procedures and policies differed and found that very helpful in itself…” MW 17: “I REALLY enjoyed working with medical students, I think it was very interesting to understand their point of view. This should be done more in the future.” MW 11: “It was also great to hear other perspectives of labour and birth management” MW 18: “The more opportunities I have to learn (and from different perspectives) the better midwife I will become. MW 46: “It was good to hear about the scenario shown form the prospective of med students as well as midwifery students as we see these situations differently based on our own scope of practise, as well as having different experience levels” MW 43: “…the zoom conferencing was a great way to share opinions and information”
MW 31: “My group had great discussions regarding the pros and cons of the scenario and how it can be done better.”
MW 31: “I feel that it is good to have a mixture of both midwifery and medical students to allow for us to learn from each other and learn different ways of managing these situations.”
MW40: “I enjoy having the interprofessional workshops, provides an opportunity for midwifery and medical students to understand the role of each other more clearly.”
3. Preparedness for practice
· Role self-awareness within a team, both as a student and in their projected role
MED 9: “Good to have things explained before getting to the ward and being in the middle of it not understanding what’s going on or how you can help”
MED 14: “For medical students we’d at least have an idea of what to expect and potential roles we can have…” MED 14: “Considering we have not gotten any in person experience yet, this zoom teaching is very helpful …and prepare us for attending one either end of this sem or next sem”
MED 89: “I think I have better insight into how to navigate my role in an emergency, which will definitely be important in my future practice”
MED 49: “[learnt] The role students can play if they are in an emergency situation. The role doesn't have to be outside their scope of knowledge but could include informing the mother or support person of what is going on…”
· Role self-awareness within a team, both as a student and in their projected role
MW 22: “As a student I will ensure I am identifiable to the other professionals I may be working with and be prepared to play a role during an emergency situation.”
MW 48: “[gained from the session] more self-awareness in my practice”
· Fostering positive working relationships at a grassroots level that will be reflected in future practice
MED 30: “It also helps establish professional relationships and have a sense of team early on with the midwifery students.”
MED 24: “…it would definitely be better to have the opportunity to work with those from other professions as well, as we can learn more about their roles which then facilitates teamwork in the future.”
MED 83: “As we will be working closely together on placement and later in our careers it is nice to build that relationship and respect early.”
MED 49: “I think it is good practice to begin interconnected learning between disciplines early on”
MED 68:” I really like the fact that we have interprofessional interactions…it's so important for us to realize each others strengths for when we will work together later on once we graduate.”
· Fostering positive working relationships at a grassroots level that will be reflected in future practice MW 8: “I think workshops like these help start to build that teamwork at a student level, which I think benefits our future professional relationship and perceptions of each other…” MW 16: “I think I will be more open to merged practice settings.” MW 18: “…fostering mutual respect at a student level is a real positive”
MW 16: “Given the need for our professions to work in partnership for each woman, I think this style of integrated classroom learning activities are hugely beneficial for both areas of study!”
MW 28: “I think it is much more beneficial to run this with both professions. We need to work together in the next couple of years so why not start at university.”