Table 1. Major themes and representative quotations from key stakeholder interviews
Theme Representative Quotations
Inclusion of international colleague expertise adds richness and expertise “...when you actually involved somebody who is from and currently working in a low- or middle-income country. Including them adds a kind of reality to the case being able to hear their perspective from being in the field.” (Faculty attendee)
Educational value of case-based global health content “I feel not only is it relevant to global health and major topics that are affecting other countries, but it's also still relevant for being a resident and learning medicine as a whole.” (Resident attendee)
“You have selected topics that are very relevant, and I think using a case-based approach and gradually unveiling the diagnosis and guiding the whole session around a particular topic like you did but allowing enough discussion and freedom to explore related issues, has been really successful…the only downside was I felt like we didn't have enough time.” (Faculty expert)
Community-building and networking opportunities for trainees and faculty to learn from colleagues “…a sense of network building and community building. Getting to meet and even hear names in the field that you may have never heard of before at other institutions who are passionate about global health.” (Fellow presenter)
“I think you've figured out a really good way to harness talents across multiple institutions...I've been exposed to a lot of people who are working in global health that I didn't know was also just really smart in terms of resources and bringing together different types of experts and cases to use the multi-institutional approach.” (Faculty attendee)
Int J Med Educ. 2024; 15:168-170; doi: 10.5116/ijme.674f.28ad