Table 1. Distribution of participants by field of study, gender, and year of study
Year of Study Hungarian medical International medical Hungarian psychology Other* Sum
female male female male female male female male
Yr 1 5 - 22 20 19 6 2 1 75
Yr 2 60 27 14 8 19 7 3 - 138
Yr 3 59 25 8 13 25 7 1 - 138
Yr 4 43 19 2 4 19 - 1 1 89
Yr 5 5 3 2 2 32 2 - 1 47
Yr 6 10 - 4 1 - - - - 15
Sum 182 74 52 48 114 22 7 3 502

*Pharmacist / Nurse / Physiotherapist / Special Education

Int J Med Educ. 2024; 15:113-123; doi: 10.5116/ijme.66dd.beb3