Table 1. Examples of comments about the feasibility/ accessibility of an app for WBA
Comment 1 In the hospital it was easier having it on a phone than trying to find an empty monitor. You have to tailor it to the situation if you are with a younger GP or in the hospital where you haven’t got much time you use the app on the phone. If you have got time you use the online version. Student 3(f) Focus Group A
Comment 2 My doctor is an older guy who couldn’t use a phone. He gave it to me and said just tick that. So it wasn’t an assessment. Student 1(m) Focus Group B
Comment 3 I’m used to writing reports …I prefer to reflect a little bit myself and just formulate what it is I want to write down because when I’m giving feedback there’s a lot more communication going on than just verbal feedback… So when you’re writing it in black and white, you have to be a little bit more careful of how you might phrase something. Tutor 5 (GP)
Comment 4 I don’t dictate, because you’re constantly checking the words, I find I actually type faster than I can speak, dictate and check. Tutor 4 (GP)
Comment 5 There’s always that ‘what am I going to say?’ first, you think about it and then you say it. I’m so used to dictating in clinic so I can think what I want to say and it doesn’t faze me. Tutor 10 (H)
Comment 6 You choose your three [strengths or priorities for improvement] which you want to make comment on and it takes you to those and so you’re not having to screen scroll down pages of areas you don’t want to comment upon. Tutor 6 (GP)
Comment 7 There’s still the automatic kind of assumption - I can only really give a short feedback like I normally would. But once you kind of get comfortable to the actual dictation then I think it would help to give more detailed feedback. We give detailed feedback all the time verbally. We just don’t give them any record of it. Tutor 10 (H)
Comment 8 Mine was really good in GP. She wrote everything down in each consultation and then summarised in the GeCoS. Student 2(f) Focus Group A
Int J Med Educ. 2017; 8:207-216; doi: 10.5116/ijme.5910.dc69