Table 2. Financial status and practices of trainees (N=422)
Survey questions Survey responses n (%)
Financial Planning Status
Checked credit score in prior 12 months 243 (57.6)
Obtained copy of credit report in prior 12 months 218 (51.7)
Asked financial professional for advice in past 5 years* 197 (46.7)
Types of financial advice obtained
Debt counselling 93 (47.2)
Savings or investments 136 (69.0)
Taking out a loan or mortgage 68 (34.5)
Insurance of any type 109 (55.3)
Tax planning 59 (30.0)
Estate planning 25 (12.7)
Asset protection 34 (17.3)
How paid for financial advice
Advice was free 114 (27.0)
Commission on purchased products 28 (6.6)
Yearly retainer 10 (2.4)
Asset under management (AUM) fee 10 (2.4)
Combination of above 22 (5.2)
Doesn't know 10 (2.4)
Attended financial planning seminars at university* 129 (30.6)
Have a will* 31 (7.3)
Have an emergency fund for 3 month's expenses 278 (65.9)
Can come up with $2,000 within the next month 321 (76.1)
Have projected necessary retirement savings* 168 (39.8)
Have retirement savings (any) 262 (62.1)
Money set aside for children's college education (any)*‡ 47 (38.5)
Have a mortgage (any)* 137 (32.5)
Have credit card debt (any)* 86 (20.4)
Have student loans (any)* 299 (70.9)
Have any of the above debt* 332 (78.7)
Income and expenses
Difficulty meeting monthly expenses
Very difficult 24 (5.7)
Somewhat difficult 111 (26.3)
Not at all difficult 287 (68.0)
Money spent in relation to annual income over prior year
Spent less than income 283 (67.1)
Spent about the same as income 89 (21.1)
Spent more than income 50 (11.8)
Confidence in covering an unexpected $2,000 expense
Certain 321 (76.1)
Probably 71 (16.8)
Probably not 19 (4.5)
Definitely not 11 (2.6)

*Items with 1 missing response;

†Among those 197 respondents who obtained professional advice;

‡Among those 122 respondents with dependent children;

Int J Med Educ. 2017; 8:192-204; doi: 10.5116/ijme.5918.ad11