Table 3. Pre-admission variables ability to predict cGPA and progress test in preclinical and clinical phases of the medical school
Test                                         Preclinical students (n=484) Clinical students (n=253)
cGPA B(95% CI); p-value Progress test B(95% CI); p-value cGPA B(95% CI); p-value
CHSA   0.21 (-0.14,0.56); 0.17         0.31 (-12.03,12.66); 0.95    -0.09 (-1.77,1.60); 0.63
GAT -0.05 (-0.11, -0.00); 0.048          -0.99 (-3.35,1.36); 0.31    -0.06 (-1.06,0.94); 0.57
NAT   0.08 (0.01,0.16); 0.04           1.05 (-1.76,3.88); 0.36     0.06 (-0.97,1.09); 0.61
TOEFL   0.01 (0.00,0.01); 0.02           0.10 (-0.13,0.33); 0.30    -0.00 (-0.06,0.06); 0.61
IELTS  0.12 (-0.62,0.86); 0.69          7.04 (-22.64,36.72); 0.55     0.13 (-4.69,4.94); 0.80

Note: Numbers in bold depict significant B values (p<0.05); 95% CI = 95% confidence interval. CHSA=Cumulative High School Average; NAT= National Achievement Test; GAT=General Aptitude Test; TOEFL= Test of English as a Foreign Language; IELTS= International English Language Testing System; cGPA= Cumulative Grade Point Average

Int J Med Educ. 2017; 8:408-413; doi: 10.5116/ijme.5a10.04e1