Variable | Group | n | M | SD | SE | t value | Cohen’s d |
Course-script- knowledge t1 | control | 95 | .38 | .31 | .032 | -1.61 | 0.20 |
treatment | 137 | .32 | .29 | .025 | |||
Course-script- knowledge t2 | control | 86 | .31 | .24 | .026 | 4.96** | 0.72 |
treatment | 128 | .49 | .26 | .023 | |||
Course-script- knowledge t3 | control | 87 | .47 | .21 | .023 | 4.80** | 0.68 |
treatment | 123 | .61 | .21 | .019 | |||
Gain of additional in-depth-knowledge | control | 87 | -.12 | .18 | .023 | 3.68* | 0.51 |
treatment | 123 | -.03 | .17 | .019 | |||
Motivation | control | 86 | 3.71 | .55 | .059 | -0.25 | -0.03 |
treatment | 128 | 3.69 | .67 | .059 | |||
Satisfaction with Practical Course | control | 87 | 3.32 | .69 | .074 | 0.98 | 0.15 |
treatment | 123 | 3.42 | .69 | .062 | |||
Relevance Practical Course | control | 87 | 3.64 | .60 | .064 | -0.11 | 0.02 |
treatment | 123 | 3.65 | .61 | .055 | |||
Relevance FA | control | 63 | 1.63 | .75 | .094 | 5.94** | 1.00 |
treatment | 85 | 2.39 | .78 | .084 |
Note: *p<.05, **p< .01, two-tailed; Bonferroni corrections were carried out
Int J Med Educ. 2018; 9:293-301; doi: 10.5116/ijme.5bc6.fead